:: Publications

Use of Health Mediators to Reach Roma Population in Bulgaria
Audio presentation carried out at the HPV Board meeting in Bucharest, Romania in June 2018.

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/G6NLjJbpCN8

Health Mediators – The Best Policy for Roma Integration in Bulgaria
Mihail Dachev
Aalborg University, Denmark

The creation of this research would not be possible and the data collection would not be exact without the valuable contribution of the ten health mediators’ form all over Bulgaria that dedicated time good will and energy and with passion described to me their work.
The Health Mediator Programme in Bulgaria
The Ethnic Minorities Health Problems Foundation was established in 1997 as a nongovernment
private volunteer organisation in Sofia. Our team is interdisciplinary and includes doctors
of medicine, psychologists, pedagogues, social workers and activists, and representatives of various ethnic groups. We have been working towards resolving the Roma health problems since 1994.

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